अब तो आ जा . . .

 Ab To Aa Jaa ...

Vagaries of human nature have made this world a terrible place for sensitive people. In the shadows of inherent dishonesty of the human mind, even religion and spirituality fail to offer any consolation. So what would you do to comfort your tormented soul? Would you send your pleas to some non-existent love and find solace in the futile hope that it may come to rescue your robbed soul one day?

Presented below is a loose English translation of this ghazal (poem). A lot of effort and ability is needed to carry over the charm of poetic expression and aesthetic value present in any original work into another language. I am afraid I do not have this ability. Yet I wanted to reach out to a wider audience. So even at the risk of sounding dull, I have attempted, by the way of this translation, to somehow try to convey the underlying idea of the ghazal however coarse it may seem though. In some places, I have deviated a little from the exact literal translation in an effort to convey the thought aesthetically and to bring it more close to its real meaning. I deeply lament that I could not preserve the allure of metre and rhythm that form the very soul of any ghazal in this translation. I offer my humble apologies to my readers for these poetic failings.

Please Do Come Now 
Both religion and the world were heart tormenting for me
I implore you to come and bring me some solace   
Don't ask me what my robbed soul has endured in your absence
What would be the existence of a fire's flame if there were no spark?
What complaint my hopeless heart can have against you ?
Utterly ignorant of my love, you meet me in full gaze of everyone
Only those are now successful in your world Oh Lord!
Who turn a blind eye to the oppressor and his oppression
The effect of my faith in love is inexplicable
Your glance betrays a plunderer and yet I repose trust in you
I am unhappy thinking that you may be a deceit of sight 
It is tyrannical that spring now comes so rarely

                                          - Ishu Priye

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Image Courtesy : Abhishek Koli on Unsplash

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